Michel Brousse is a sport historian and a judo expert. He graduated from the National Institute of Sports in Paris, France. He earned his thesis from the Faculty of Science of Sports and Physical Education at Bordeaux University where he is currently professeur agrégé teaching cultural history of sport and didactics of judo. His works include Les Origines du Judo en France, Histoire d’un Culture Sportive, de la Fin du XIXe Siècle aux Années 1950, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2005; Le Judo, son Histoire, ses Succès, préface de Jacques Rogge, Président du CIO, Liber, 2002. Judo for the World, Paris, Éditions de La Martinière, 2015.
He is the author of various articles in French, English, Spanish and Portuguese. He has made invited addresses to professionals on the history of sports and on the didactics of judo or physical education in France, U.S.A., Brazil, Korea, Great Britain, Morocco, Spain, Portugal. From 1996 to 2002, he has been a member of a Ministry of Education study group meant to write the first national syllabus for high school physical education.
Michel Brousse was nominated official researcher for the International Judo Federation, in 1998. With David Matsumoto, he is the co-author of Judo, a Sport and a Way of Life. He was media commissioner and spokesperson for the International Judo Federation during Sydney Olympic Games, 2001 Munich and 2003 Osaka World Championships, and Athens Olympic Games.
He was the curator of the exhibition celebrating the 60th anniversary of the International Judo Federation held at the Olympic Museum in Lausanne, Switzerland. He received the IJF Special Award in 2011 and in 2015. He served as vice-president of the French Judo Federation from 2012 to 2016.
In 2017, he was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun, golden Rays with rosette for his contribution to « promoting academic and sports exchange through Judo and mutual understanding between Japan and France ».
Teachings at Bordeaux university: sport history, -Judo theory and practice. Phys. Ed compulsory exams of the Ministry of Education
Jurys: PH. D in Sports science, Master of History at Bordeaux Montaigne University, agrégation EPS, Capeps, judo 7e dan judo
Michel Brousse was a coach for the European Judo Union and for the International Judo Federation.
Over the years, he has run judo clinics for national teams and coaches in: Norvège: 1980; Islande: 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986 (Bjarni Fre∂riksson, 3e JO 1984, -95 kg); Venezuela: 1981; Danemark: 1982, 1983, 1984; Espagne: 1985, 1986, 1987, 1998, 2002, 2009; Portugal: 1988, 1989, 1996, 2006, 2017; États-Unis: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006; Malte: 2006; Hawaii: 2004; Suisse: 2011, 2012, 2016, 2017; Canada: 2007; Brésil: 2001, 2007, 2015; Japon: 2003, 2006, 2011, 2013, 2016
In the late seventies, in Paris, I was head coach and supervisor of a sport and study section where he was lucky enough to have brilliant young students who later became stars on the judo world scene. Among them: Pascal Tayot (Olympic medalist), Christophe Gagliano (Olympic medalist), Bertrand Amoussou (French judo team then five times jujutsu world champion), Nasser Néchar, Pascal Bozo, Jean-Raymond Marquez, Jean-Daniel Delrieu, Stéphane Saint-Marc, Gérald Houot : members of the French Judo Team
Best results
50 international selections (1969-1981)

European champion Espoirs, Berlin, 1969 (- 85 kg)
European champion Juniors, Bordeaux, 1970 (-80 kg)
European champion Juniors, Naples, 1971 (-80 kg)
Military World champion, Rio de Janeiro, 1974 (-93 kg and Open)
Member of the French team in Japan in 1970 and 1974
3rd France Seniors Nationals 1973 (-93 kg)
5th France Seniors Nationals 1974 (Open)
Winner of the Pecs tournament, Hungary 1977 (-86 kg)
3rd Paris Tournament 1979 (-86 kg)

Judo ranks
Seventh dan, le 4 décembre 2008
Sixth dan, le 3 mars 1996
Fifth dan, le 2 septembre 1987
Fourth dan, le 2 mars 1985
Third dan, le 28 septembre 1972
Second dan, le 16 février 1969
First dan, le 5 juillet 1968
Brown belt, le 13 juin 1964
Blue belt, le 27 juin 1963
Green belt, le 7 décembre 1961
Orange belt, le 1er décembre 1960
Yellow belt, le 12 mars 1960
White belt, le 17 juillet 1959